I Made a Game: Now How Can I Make Money?

Colin Matthews

Google Play Store

Have you made a game, and now you’re wondering how to turn your hard work into money? You’re not alone. Making a game is a huge achievement, but figuring out how to earn from it can be just as challenging. Monetizing your game involves strategies like in-game purchases, ads, and selling your game on different platforms.

Creating a solid plan for how to make money from your game is key. This includes setting up in-game microtransactions, choosing the right platform to sell your game, and engaging with your community to build a loyal fanbase. Marketing your game properly can draw more players and increase your chances of making money.

To reach more players, you can distribute your game on multiple platforms like Steam, the App Store, or Google Play. Expanding your reach can help you find success and make your game profitable.

Game Monetization Options

Let’s talk money – the fun part! You’ve made an awesome game, but now how do you turn that into a sustainable income? Don’t worry, there are many ways to do it. Some work better for certain types of games than others, so find what fits your creation best.

Traditional Sales

The simplest way to make money is by selling your game directly to players. This can be through online stores like Steam, mobile app stores (Google Play, App Store), or even your own website. This works well for high-quality, finished games with a clear appeal.


Simple to understand and set up.

Direct revenue goes to you.


Requires a finished, polished product.

Competition for visibility can be tough.

Free-to-Play with In-App Purchases (IAP)

This is a popular model, especially for mobile games. Players download your game for free, but can buy extra content, virtual currency, or other items within the game. This is good for games with ongoing content or a “collect them all” mentality.


Low barrier to entry for players.

Potential for high revenue from dedicated players.


Needs a large player base to be profitable.

Some players may find IAPs annoying.


Another option is to offer a subscription service. Players pay a recurring fee (monthly, yearly) to access premium content, features, or benefits in your game. This is good for games with continuous updates or exclusive communities.


Provides a steady stream of income.

Encourages player loyalty.


Needs regular, high-quality content to keep players subscribed.

May not be appealing to casual players.


You can also display ads in your game, either as banners, videos, or interstitials (full-screen ads between game segments). You earn money each time an ad is viewed or clicked. This is best for free games with a large user base.


Relatively easy to implement.

Generates revenue even if players don’t spend money.


Ads can disrupt the game experience.

Requires a large audience to generate significant income.


Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow you to raise funds from interested players to help develop and launch your game. This can be a great way to build a community and get upfront funding, but it’s important to set realistic goals and communicate clearly with your backers.


Early validation of your game concept.

Direct engagement with your audience.


Requires a strong pitch and marketing effort.

Risk of not meeting funding goals.

Sponsorships & Partnerships

Partnering with brands or other companies can provide you with financial support in exchange for promoting their products or services in your game. This can be a great way to reach new audiences and get additional resources, but it’s important to choose partners that align with your game and values.


Additional funding and exposure for your game.

Potential for cross-promotion opportunities.


Can compromise creative control.

Risk of alienating players if not done carefully.


Consider selling merchandise related to your game, such as t-shirts, plushies, art prints, or other collectibles. This is a great way to engage fans and create a lasting connection to your game.


Creates a sense of community and brand loyalty.

Can generate additional revenue streams.


Requires initial investment in production and marketing.

May not be suitable for all types of games.

Monetization Strategies Comparison

StrategyHow it WorksProsConsBest For
Traditional SalesDirectly sell your game to players.Simple, direct revenue.Requires a finished product, competition.High-quality, finished games.
Free-to-Play with IAPOffer the game for free, sell extra content within.Low barrier to entry, potential for high revenue.Needs large player base, can annoy players.Games with ongoing content or collectibles.
SubscriptionsRecurring fee for premium content or features.Steady income, player loyalty.Needs regular content, may not appeal to casuals.Games with continuous updates, exclusive communities.
AdvertisingDisplay ads in your game for revenue.Easy to implement, generates revenue without player spending.Disrupts game experience, needs large audience.Free games with a large user base.
CrowdfundingRaise funds from players to develop your game.Early validation, direct engagement.Needs strong pitch, risk of not meeting goals.Games with a passionate community or niche appeal.
Sponsorships & PartnershipsPartner with brands for financial support and promotion.Additional funding and exposure.Can compromise creative control, risk alienating players.Games with a large audience or niche appeal.
MerchandiseSell physical products related to your game.Community building, additional revenue.Initial investment, not suitable for all games.

Developing a Monetization Strategy

When planning how to make money from a game, it’s important to choose the right revenue model, incorporate in-game monetization, and consider using crowdfunding platforms for funding.

Choosing the Right Revenue Model

Picking the best revenue model for your game is crucial. Each model offers different ways to generate revenue. One common approach is the freemium model. This lets players download and play the game for free. Players can then buy extra features or items with in-app purchases.

Another option is premium games. With this model, players pay upfront to download the game. This ensures an immediate return on investment. Subscriptions can also work. Players pay a monthly or yearly fee. This offers a steady revenue stream, which can be more sustainable over time.

Incorporating In-Game Monetization

In-game monetization helps keep games free or cheap to download. In-app purchases are popular. They let players buy items, skins, or power-ups. Games with these elements can offer extra value without forcing players to spend money.

Advertising is another way to monetize games. This can involve showing ads between levels or offering rewards for watching ads. Even though ads can be annoying, if balanced well, these methods can offer a good source of income while still keeping player satisfaction high.

Leveraging Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdfunding platforms can be a great way to raise initial funds for game development. Sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow developers to present their game projects to potential backers.

Supporters can contribute money in exchange for rewards, like early access or exclusive in-game items. Crowdfunding builds a community around your game. It also provides funds upfront, which can help cover development costs.

Meeting the expectations of backers is important. You’ll need to provide the promised rewards and ensure the project is completed on time. Be clear about what you can deliver and manage your budget carefully.

Marketing and Community Engagement

Effective marketing and building a strong community are key to making money from your game. Successful strategies focus on engaging players and making your game visible.

Effective Marketing Techniques

Clear marketing communicates what your game is about. Use visuals to show off its style and mechanics. Make ads that catch the eye and explain the game’s features.

Influencer marketing is useful. Connect with streamers or YouTubers who will share your game with their fans. They can reach people you might not.

Use platforms where people talk about games like Reddit or gaming forums. Share game updates and interact with players there.

Building and Nurturing a Community

Creating a community is crucial. Start small by engaging with the first players who enjoy your game. Make a forum or Discord server where they can meet.

Host in-game events to keep them playing. Run contests for high scores or best user content. Reward them with in-game items or recognition.

Listen to feedback and make changes. Players feel valued when they are heard. This keeps them loyal.

Engaging with Social Media and Content Creation

Social media can help your game reach a large audience. Make accounts on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Post regular updates, new features, and behind-the-scenes content.

Encourage players to share their own content. This can be fan art, game reviews, or playthrough videos. Share their content on your own accounts to show appreciation.

Partner with content creators. This can be streamers or YouTubers who play your game. Their audience can become your audience. Respond to comments and messages to grow your reach.

Using these methods, your game can build a strong market presence and a supportive community. This leads to more players and higher profits.

Expanding Distribution and Reach

Expanding the distribution and reach of your game involves leveraging multiple platforms, digital storefronts, game passes, and alternative distribution methods to maximize its exposure and potential earnings.

Releasing on Multiple Platforms

By releasing your game on various platforms like Windows, Mac, Consoles, and Mobile, you can reach a broader audience. Each platform has its own set of users, so it’s crucial to tailor your game to each system’s requirements.

Porting games to different platforms can be an investment but offers significant returns. You can use tools like Unity or Unreal Engine to make the process easier. For consoles, partnering with Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo might involve meeting specific technical criteria.

Utilizing Digital Storefronts and Game Passes

Digital storefronts like Steam and Humble Bundle offer easy ways for players to buy and download your game. Listing your game on popular storefronts exposes it to millions of potential customers.

Another option is utilizing services like Xbox Game Pass. These services allow players to access your game as part of a subscription, which can provide steady revenue. Ensure to meet the criteria and format requirements for each storefront to be listed successfully.

Exploring Alternative Distribution Methods

Alternative distribution methods can help your game reach non-traditional markets. Licensing your game allows other companies to distribute it through their networks. This can be done through partnerships or agencies looking for new titles.

Bundles are another effective distribution method. Platforms like Humble Bundle sell game bundles at discounted rates, attracting bargain hunters. This not only increases your game’s reach but can also introduce it to new audiences who might not have found it otherwise.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers common questions about making money from video games, including strategies for free-to-play models, independent development, and income potential.

How do game developers generate revenue from free-to-play games?

Game developers often make money from free-to-play games through in-game purchases. Players can buy virtual items, extra lives, or special features. Another way is by using ads. Players watch ads in exchange for rewards or to continue playing.

What are the monetization strategies for independent game developers?

Independent game developers can sell their games on platforms like Steam or the App Store. Offering free demos or early access versions can also help. Some developers use crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter. Additionally, merchandise related to the game can be sold.

How much income can an individual expect from creating a video game?

Income from creating video games varies widely. Some developers make thousands of dollars monthly, while others may make little to none. Success depends on factors like the game’s quality, the marketing strategy, and player interest. Most small indie games might earn a modest income initially.

What are the effective ways to make money from games as a solo developer?

Solo developers can focus on quality and unique gameplay to attract players. Using social media to build a following helps. Running promotional events and discounts can boost sales. Partnering with influencers to showcase the game can also be effective.

Is creating and selling video games a profitable endeavor?

Creating and selling video games can be profitable. Many successful games make significant profits. Profitability depends on market research, game quality, and marketing efforts. Some developers find more success by focusing on niche markets or creating games for specific audiences.

What options are available for earning a living by playing video games?

Gamers can earn money by streaming their gameplay on platforms like Twitch. Sponsorships and donations from viewers add to their income. Another way is through esports, where gamers compete in tournaments with cash prizes. Some gamers also create content on YouTube and earn ad revenue.